This heat would fracture the strongest of men. So I hide indoors and work on the studio for a bit. A Fathers day gift echoes around me, with a vaguely Bowie undertone. My daughters shake their heads with solemnity, 'Dads listening to old fart depressive music again!'
But this is Jarvis, and given the recent Pop Headlines about a certain Mr Jackson, this is poignant in the ultimate.
It's hard to explain how important MJ was without explaining why he fell from favour, especially to two girls who are wondering what all the fuss is about. The music speaks for itself, out side of that I have no comment.
So Jarvis Cocker is playing, and I have just taken an updated picture of the studio to show I am actually making some progress.
Great new album, if not a little dated.
'I never said I was deep, But I am profoundly shallow!'
Enjoy the picture.