It’s raining again, and I am driving again (not that this blog will be Top Gear with Music you understand, it’s just the way the thoughts have fallen this week). Actually its country lanes as well on the tail end of the school run picking up my exhausted cherubs after a hard days work and they are not in the mood for chat. Isabelle wants to stare out of the window at the rain while Holly no doubt plots her escape.
So the request for music arrives at my ears yet again and I apologise that, once again, it’s a bit dated.
Trevor Horn once said he liked working with the Pet Shop Boys because they use all of his favourite chords, and this tune is a case in point.
The beautiful chimed subtleties of the chord progression at the beginning of Being Boring roused a chorus of approval from the rear seats. ‘I love this one’ they almost said in unison.
And this is where I am the lucky man. I am pretty sure I was not as open to the stuff my Dad would have listened to when I was that age. Kids now despite having more music to chose from than anyone in the past have, seem to have to capacity to give everything a shot. Is this because there is so much out there these days that they no longer differentiate between old and new stuff?
I am jealous that they are growing up in an age where their access to music far exceeds anything we had when we were young. Anyone can get their music out there these days and that only enriches us.
Now, when their musical tastes are forming deep within their subconscious, they hear everything with more choice and colour than ever before.
I am sure this will turn them into broad minded, balanced musical beasts in their future.
‘Things can only get better’
Welcome to the blogosphere, BF!