I caught the first half of a Documentary about Heavy Load, the thrash metal rock band with three out of its five members having special needs.
It was initially a refreshing breath of fresh air to see a group of five friends in a band, doing what they do because of the love of it, and not giving a damn about how they are perceived or how good people think they are at what they do.
It is always good to be reminded that in its essence, music is there to be enjoyed, to move us emotionally and physically, to change our mental state for the good. Over thinking it nearly always destroys it.
This group of five chums lived for what they did, and what they did, they did with passion and sheer exuberance.
Sadly the documentary maker seemed more interested in how his work would effect them than how they could exist in such a wonderful state. Shame he spoilt it, and we lost interest about half way through.
Today's message then is, enjoy what you do, live for your music, and don't give a damn what others think.
Mental note....... make music I want to listen to, not what I think others might want to listen to.
So how much fun can you get into one song, Katrina has the answer, her and her Waves crammed so much fun into one song only the 12" version does it justice. Cheesy, bubble gum pop it may be, but its as much fun you can have in a few minutes of pop song. Here goes, and welcome to 'Walking on Sunshine'
It's very echo-y in here. Where are you?