Friday, March 12, 2010


Where does all the money go? We don’t party, we don’t holiday every year, we don’t go out for meals on a regular basis. We don’t have expensive hobbies, or a drug habit. We don’t buy flash cars or lovely clothes.

We do : have two daughters, a massive mortgage, work so far away that petrol bills are crippling, pay tax, tax, and more tax, have crappy pay rises well below inflation, have no overtime and very, very bad luck with things breaking down all the time. Oh and massive overheads.

Better off than most of the world I suppose, but it does niggle that I have to work my socks off to get the same as those who prefer to live off the state. If I could afford toys I would throw them out of the pram (Maclaren - second hand, couldn’t afford new).

As you can guess I have just done my finances! Something’s gotta give….. as they say in the

Time to relax and refocus.

This week I have been zoneing out to a brilliantly produced track by New Musik. A little known track from their less than successful second album ‘Anywhere’

‘Areas’ is simple and gentle. It has a fantastic stereo mix and an inspired reverse vocal that gives it a creepy feel. It goes nowhere in particular and takes it time getting there.

It is simply BLISSFULL

Enjoy…….. now I’m off shopping, what the hell!

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