In Cardiff the other day, I picked up this old GEC in house magazine from 1964. It's a fantabulous little booklet detailing all that was going on in GEC in the month I was born, including an article about their brand new 'Fluorescent Tubes' designed for kitchens.
It's crammed with things like, Marriage Announcements, Promotions, bowling and cricket scores. They just don't publish things like this anymore which is a real shame. It was also special since its featured factory was one that used to live only 24 miles up the valley from where I am sitting now.
It has a beautiful retro feel and a sincerity not often found in big business these days. Definitely one for the wall of my studio should I ever build one.
Juxtaposed with that are my struggles last night with virtual synths, beatmapping audio samples, and getting my head into running several modular vintage units simultaneously on one lap top. I neeeeeeeed more RAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'She Blinded Me With Science' is probably one of the best known Dolby tracks from the eighties, and definitely one of the most commercial. It has that feel of 'mad boffin' keyboards with pop sensibilities. And it so perfectly meets the creative mood at the moment.
'The spheres are in commotion,
the elements in harmony,
She blinded me with Science'
And of course it featured the sublime Magnus Pike..... how could it not be a classic.
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