Friday, September 25, 2009
Woke Up This Morning
Tough couple of days again and just coming out of the other side. Looking forward to a good nights sleep tonight, and a shed load of new music in my ears over the weekend. I have three albums lined up by 'Kate Nash', 'Just Jack' and 'Mr Hudson and the Library' so here's hoping there is something good in there for me.
Hoping to steal some time on Sat to start work on the 'all music' stuff I have on the laptop. A two hour wait for my youngest to finish drama should provide a window with any luck.
Life seems to be getting too busy again, and I always hate not being able to take in the scenery as we go along. It almost misses the point of life if you have no time to appreciate what is going on around you. Gets too blinkered, too selfish. Need some time away from it as ever. But that is , as ever, elusive.
So I woke up this morning, and sung the blues. That's where we are with today's song from the magnificent Alabama 3. Hard to chose from this particular pot of awesomeness but logically it has to be 'Woke Up this Morning' made famous by a certain TV show which I have never seen.
This is angry and driving and right where I want it at the moment.
That voice, so deep, colour so black. Go boys..... 'woke up this morning, got yourself a gun!'
Saturday, September 12, 2009
How Do You Live Without Sunshine
And I watch as the talent, raw in its beauty try so hard to impress. But I am already impressed, and there is nowhere further to go with this. The flowered young things dance, gig, and mime to their favuorites, with moves that would make 'Little Miss Sunshine' blush. Ah it must be the weekend again.
I am here awaiting the curtain call listening to the new album by 'Yo La Tengo' still in the excitement of dicovering this band, and wow what a back catalogue I have to look forward to, I hope its all as good as this is.
The sun has been out, and the windows have been cleaned, and the world is now a brighter place. Soft top racing cars call me to the open roads where the stereo would bleed summer sounds to unsuspecting passers by, as all feels good again.
So what would I listen to if I had that car right now.
Easy, Nick Heyward, from the outstanding album 'From Monday to Sunday' the track was not a single but it has all the warmth and beauty of a day like today. Top down, open road, smile HOW DO YOU LIVE WITHOUT SUNSHINE
.......... yey !
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Forbidden Colours
I managed twenty minutes on the keyboards last night and got some spine tingling grooves going, all very 'airy fairy' and not suited to song structures so it will have to go with the 'weird all music stuff' pile. That particular pile is getting quite large now and would merit a collection of its own, which I may well do while I am trying to write the song based stuff.
I have doubts that I will ever actually get around to doing anything more than a couple of demo's but the thought is there.
So after my wispy keyboard romp to which I was groaning along, I decided to quit and listen to some music made by those more competent. The feel was Sylvian, so I pulled him up on Spotify and played some stuff from 'Secrets of the Beehive'
A short while later Holly walks in and said in some surprise 'Oh, I thought that was you singing'.............. yeah right, I wish !!!! She has more faith in my singing talents than I do.
So track for today, is from the man himself and the marvellous Ryuichi Sakamoto who played the piano so beautifully on this, taken from the Soundtrack of 'Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence'. Forbidden Colours is perfect tonally, and rich with East meets West composition, and very very relaxing. Enjoy
P.S. Below a brilliant pic of Isabelle when I showed her some of the more complex arpeggio's you can create on the Juno. The expression says in all !!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Signal to Noise
That uneasy feeling in your muscles, almost buzzing when they should be relaxed, devoid of caffeine or other stimulant, edgy and unnerving. You can almost hear the system running, the blood coursing through your veins, the electrons firing in your brain, the pain rumbling along like an unstoppable freight train hell bound for the head.
We all need to shut out the noise every now and then, and I could really use a dark cool room right now just to reset the servers and shutdown all the crap running in the background. Even writing gets difficult.
So what should I listen to in my darkened room? Right now, only one track springs to mind. A great summation of a feeling. Peter Gabriel… ‘Signal to Noise’.
Great Mood
Great Strings
Great use of vocal styling’s
Friday, July 31, 2009
Just when you think it is safe to go back into the studio, it all changes again. ME to XP, XP to Vista, and now, Vista to 7. No! I am not going there, getting Vista upgrades has been bad enough, I will tolerate no more.
I am in the process of redesigning my set-up before I have even begun because of Vista compatibility issues. Out goes my CMI PC interface and PC-200 keyboard, because of those darned latency / compatibility problems, and in comes an Edirol sound interface unit and using the Juno G as the mother board.
Back when it was a mono synth, a beat box, and a Tascam 244, the only thing we had to worry about was background hiss and putting the tape in the right way up.
So not all progress is good, and I am of an age now where simple bugs can seem like giant monsters. But I will get there even if the budget has taken another £70 hit, and one day soon I might just start making some music again.
So what have I been inspired by today. Well sadly I looked up one of Heaven 17’s less know albums on Spotify and got totally hooked. This one came along quite a while after they had been mega famous, and almost slipped under the radar. It has all their classic licks and touches, but now with a maturity I hadn’t heard from them before. The album is called ‘Bigger than America’ and is quite anti ‘that great continent’ in a lot of places, but hey its music not politics so what do I care?
Track of the day is ‘Freak’, best played loud and fast at the end of a hard day in work, with the windows down and the shades on, and a finger proudly flipped at my place of employment. This track is H17 at their best, full on, silly lyric, and brilliantly put together, and dare I say it, it knocks spots off ‘Temptation’
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
New In Town
Friday, July 10, 2009
Me Fui
Lots of weird stuff happening around the world at the moment, a reason why I am so keen to lose myself in Sci-fantasy and the silliness that is TV. I have been in admiration of Russell T Davies’s writing this week and it spurs me on to get my own efforts to a publisher to at least give them a chance of a public airing (otherwise I will never know).
Music has been brilliant over the past few weeks, getting well into Little Boots, La Roux and Robyn. Not forgetting to visit some old fogies along the way. A-Ha’s Analogue album being one fine example of that. It’s a good time to fill my head with new sounds to try and cleanse my pallet before I start to cook again.
Low budget I know, but enough to play around with.

The plan is to build songs various ways to get a good mix of sound, some on the Juno, some hard sequenced on the lap top, some built up from wave files, so it should be interesting.
Song for today is off an excellent new album by BEBE titled Y. It’s in Spanish but needs no translation. The track is called ‘Me Fui’ and is a brilliant example of modern Spanish pop, absolutely fantastic.
Spotify this album now, then go out and buy it, we just don’t hear music this good everyday.
Happy listening
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I Never Said I Was Deep
This heat would fracture the strongest of men. So I hide indoors and work on the studio for a bit. A Fathers day gift echoes around me, with a vaguely Bowie undertone. My daughters shake their heads with solemnity, 'Dads listening to old fart depressive music again!'
But this is Jarvis, and given the recent Pop Headlines about a certain Mr Jackson, this is poignant in the ultimate.
It's hard to explain how important MJ was without explaining why he fell from favour, especially to two girls who are wondering what all the fuss is about. The music speaks for itself, out side of that I have no comment.
So Jarvis Cocker is playing, and I have just taken an updated picture of the studio to show I am actually making some progress.
Great new album, if not a little dated.
'I never said I was deep, But I am profoundly shallow!'
Enjoy the picture.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Voyage of the Minds Eye
As the temperature slips away, and muscles tighten with stress, the focus drifts off to another place.
This is the ‘Gate to the Minds Eye’, flowing over me like cold sheets on a warm day, the ones that never stay that way, ice cold water through the toes at the waters edge, or the cheek stinging breeze of the fresh sea air on the deck of an exotic cruise liner. Or merely the touch of a loved one.
Four muted and subtle chords, the whispered words of a female voice in French, and an agonizing but crystal clear lead vocal.
This track is ‘The Voyage of the Minds Eye’ by Mr. Dolby. How does he get that piano to sound so bright? Great sound track.
And then all too soon it fades.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
On Islands
It’s bad enough that so much seems to be lost in translation between my heart and the ears of the beholder, but to add to that the maze of emotional trap doors we have to negotiate as to what is, and isn’t appropriate behavior for a particular small voice to witness, and it seems the journey for a sincere thought or emotion is almost insurmountable.
Do we not all find ourselves talking to other ‘tiny sparks of love trapped in organic shells’ and hear ourselves saying things that mean nothing, but feeling emotions strong enough to move mountains? And what do we do with these emotions? Bury them deep into our fantasies and dreams, to emerge in the safety of the role playing mind in the depths of sleep.
There are people I want to tell things to, admit a need or desire, or even a hate or intolerance, but these thoughts remain in the dark for fear their light will burn a hole in the fragile world I have built to protect me. It is important however for us all to admit they are there and form part of the person no one ever gets to decipher.
But sometimes it would be nice to say, ‘actually I really……..’
How appropriate then that today’s ditty is ‘On Islands’ by New MusiK, and wonderful 12 string blast from 1980 which perfectly sums up the above. It has optimism and sadness and a brilliant searing synth lead sound. The kid talking over the end is also kind of cool, if not a little cheesy.
‘Were all the same, all on our own Islands, that reach out for ever more… into the darkest depths of eternal space…searching’
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Nothing Compares....
Having to be too creative in work is exhausting my creativity at home. That combined with work on the studio / study.
Well the decorating is done with the help of copious amounts of yellow paint and a permanently streamed Spotify input (what did I do for music before that came along ????? I have had a great chance to listen to some albums I have wanted to catch up on for years and some very cool new stuff like Lily Allen’s latest. I also got to hear Regina Spektor’s albums which have been great fun.
And somewhere above the wash of Spotify in the study came the pounding of the same online program from Holly’s room. She is luckily not sharing my tastes at the moment (heaven forbid!). For her it’s a perpetually looped ‘Saturdays’ murdering ‘Just Cant Get Enough’. I have tried childishly playing the original even louder to drown her out but to no avail.
Actually they have done a really good job of covering it, but don’t tell Holly that, there’s only one thing worse than a grumpy old Dad who doesn’t like your music, and that’s one that does like it! It’s better for her to think I am trapped in the past, she couldn’t manage the embarrassment of me ‘Daddy Dancing’ to her favorite tunes.
So the Study side is complete, all I need to do now is wire up the creative side, which is causing me much stress.
Today’s tune is one I found on Spotify and is one of the most haunting and relaxing tunes I have heard in a long time. It’s from the soundtrack of the film ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’ and is a version of ‘Nothing Compares 2 u” sung in Hawaiian. Trust me, this works brilliantly. So load up Spotify, type in ‘Coconutz’ and select ‘Nothing Compares 2 U’ and chill…………….
Monday, April 13, 2009
Walking on Sunshine

It was initially a refreshing breath of fresh air to see a group of five friends in a band, doing what they do because of the love of it, and not giving a damn about how they are perceived or how good people think they are at what they do.
It is always good to be reminded that in its essence, music is there to be enjoyed, to move us emotionally and physically, to change our mental state for the good. Over thinking it nearly always destroys it.
This group of five chums lived for what they did, and what they did, they did with passion and sheer exuberance.
Sadly the documentary maker seemed more interested in how his work would effect them than how they could exist in such a wonderful state. Shame he spoilt it, and we lost interest about half way through.
Today's message then is, enjoy what you do, live for your music, and don't give a damn what others think.
Mental note....... make music I want to listen to, not what I think others might want to listen to.
So how much fun can you get into one song, Katrina has the answer, her and her Waves crammed so much fun into one song only the 12" version does it justice. Cheesy, bubble gum pop it may be, but its as much fun you can have in a few minutes of pop song. Here goes, and welcome to 'Walking on Sunshine'
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Out of your Brilliant Mind
I must be out of my mind!
Exactly where am I going to get the time from to record another album?
I have been trying to decorate the studio for the last three weeks and all I have done so far is take some stuff off the walls, and give a small area a coat of white paint.
It took me nearly four years to write a short book, it’s going to take decades to write 10 to 12 tracks!
I am in the same pit of quicksand that everyone of my age and position is in. Time is the fire in which we all burn. We feed the kids, wash the dishes, make the meals, clean the house, take them to clubs, do the shopping, do the ironing, repair the broken things, and then we fall asleep on the sofa. Something went very wrong along the way there.
It would be so nice just to take 6 months off and have a proper crack at being inspired. Not going to happen, but it makes me appreciated time, and the time I have with those I love.
Busy week this week, already tired and have Ed Burns Thursday night, friends over Saturday night, and Michael MacKintyre on Sunday night. I am going to be good for nothing on Monday!
So, I bought this fab retro 80’s album the other day with loads of querky songs from the period. I’ll dip my fingers into this for todays track. The, oh so brilliant, ‘Brilliant Mind’ by Furniture. I love this track, it has such a depth of feeling and a totally pointless lyric. Viva the 80’s.
Now where did I leave my white shoes?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Quiet Life ..... Again
These are a real treat, I haven’t got the time to listen to them all now, but I picked a classic to get the ball rolling. The marvellous Dave James and his recording ‘Squeals on Wheels’. This version has a 6 minute preamble by Dave and myself just talking total rubbish in mock ‘Smith and Jones’ voices. It’s a classic.
I also found an old photo recently of me being extremely young and full of hope.
God I must only weigh 9 st in this shot. Back in the day I used to read a manual before playing a synth… tut tut.
Sitting next to me was my first Casio CZ101, I love those things, such a cool sound to them (Dave still has a CZ1000, the bigger version). I remember I bought a big shed and set up a rack of synths and drum machines in there all wired to my Tascam Porta Studio, I used to spend hours out there at the bottom of the garden being all creative and making some truly bizarre sounds. I have a CD somewhere called ‘The Shed Tapes’ which is about 40mins of live synth twiddling. Not a classic, but my very own creation.
The smell of fresh cut pine still always reminds me of making music in the mid eighties.
So I am feeling the buzz of new music again, and want to listen to some classic stuff. Arpeggio’s in my head walk a meandering line down my backbone (past the dodgy bits).
Japan, oh that voice can be so depressing, but ‘Quiet Life’ has a quiet life all of its very own.
Take me to the far east Mr Sylvian, and don’t spare the horses.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hope You're Happy Now
With all the crap that is going on, nobody has felt the need to say sorry at any point.
I feel really sorry that people I have known for years, friends amongst them, have had their livelihoods snatched from beneath them in the name of Corporate Realignment. Press statements detailing how reorganisation will secure the companies future never once touch on the side of remorse for those who have to give up their careers to realise this goal.
Where is the Heart?
The sun is shining, I have had a good day in work, life is treating me fairly well (better that a significant percentage of those on this planet) and I have a skip in my step looking forward to the weekend.
But I am still angry for those who have been shafted.
NiK Kershaw, has a song called 'Hope you're Happy Now' which pretty much sums up the insult these people must be feeling, and how hopeless we feel in the wake of it. Watch out corporate big wigs because.....
'One day a better man than I,
Will feed you fist and humble pie,
And I'll be there to hold his coat !'
Right on the mark this one, thanks Nik... looking forward to the acoustic show in April.
Back into the sunshine, jolly tune in head, skip in step....... Ahhhhhhh !
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
One Better Day
I have been out filming today, and so have suffered the usual insults and jokes people feel they are able to make when you are in public with a big camera and tripod. But even these were tinged with suspicion and weariness.
As the corporate workhorse turns its frown to those no longer required, and the dark clouds of early March gather overhead, I am drawn into optimism.
A single song can pull away this feeling right now. An optimistic sound around a very sad lyric, but all the same it lifts all this above the self pity and despair.
'Walking round you sometimes.. feel the sunshine
Beating down in time with the.. rhythm of your shoes'
Madness leads to Happiness... 'One Better Day' Thanks boys.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Everything Counts in Large Amounts
Queuing for a ride called 'Soaring' I saw people push and shove, climb over each other, jump barriers, leap off escalators, and break through cordons just to be the first in line.
I really don't get it, why would they have such a disregard for each other all over a stupid ride. Made me feel sick to my core. It also opened my eyes to what people are really like in situations like that.
So walking away from it all, fast passes in hand, the cool crisp edge of the morning biting my skin, off to meet the others at the racetrack, it came rushing into my head.
'Everything Counts in Large Amounts'
Cue Depeche Mode (hopefully not for the last time on this blog), cue the metallic samples, the Berlin edged vocals, the sheer blackness of the sound.
'With grabbing hands, we grab all we can.
All for themselves after all its a competitive world'
Mums, Dads, children of the world I give you 'Everything Counts' by Depeche Mode.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Its Just the Sun Rising
I know, I know, I promised to get on with some music now, but its is tempting to keep the words comming in maybe a set of short stories which I have planned for some time.
So, the sun is in my face, the calmness of the surroundings is filling me with good intentions, I am toatlly chilled for the first time in maybe years.
Then that bassline kicks in dum dum, dum de dum dum for two bars, followed by the high aria voice, it crystallizes the moment perfectly. 'The Sun Rising' by the Beloved, again perfect for the moment. I never really got this track until this moment, and then it all made sense. It is a pure feeling of warmth.
Damn, I have sunburnt my shins now............
Saturday, February 7, 2009
State Of Things
The book is finally finished at long last, although I am unsure if anyone will ever get to read it. It's time now to start back on course in the music world.
Its been 17 years since recording anything other than the odd ditty for the kids and a bit of corporate intro, so its time I dragged my arse back to the keyboard and started to bear my soul all over again.
So this is where I would of liked to insert a picture like the one on Thomas Dolby's blog, of a wheelhouse on a boat decked out in the latest technology ( But where is my technology? It's there somewhere under the ironing, honest! I think a major rework is in order... yes I know its another tactic to delay putting finger to ivory (or plastic).... I say finger because that is very much my skill level. But it needs to be done, redecorate the study and make it music-making friendly. A clothes covered keyboard is not quite the 'Nutmeg of Consolation'.
So how do I get motivated in this new project?
Well lets not look back, lets bring it bang up to date with a soul stomping, rip roaring, beast of a track from the mighty fine 'Reverend and the Maker', who lets face it are pretty good.
So track one, look at the mess my music gear is in...... cue the bass synth intro and welcome one and all to the STATE OF THINGS.
Go Reverend!!!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Happiness Is Easy
Take away a mans overtime and he tries to screw the company for cash any other way he can. It’s a really sad sight to see and can pull down the happiest of souls and the biggest of companies. What ever happened to dignity?
So solemn the weather and sad the mood, something is needed to raise the soul to a higher place.
Get back to the office, plug in the headphones and search under Talk Talk for the track “Happiness Is Easy’.
Most people think of Talk Talk as an early eighties pop band, with a couple of edgy high viz pop tracks scraping the charts. The real fans tend to appreciate more what they did after that phase. Several deeply intuitive albums showing a mastery of musical styles. Somewhere between these two extremes is the album “The Colour of Spring’ which captures the best of both their worlds and swings between pop and anthem.
Tucked away on this album, ‘Happiness is Easy’ is one of the only tracks I have ever heard where the use of a childrens choir didn’t turn it into total cheese. A fantastic baseline intro promises something dark and then the chorus lifts it somewhere divine.
All better now.
Listen to this track!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Ultra Modern Nursery Rhymes
Sad songs sung to a very bouncy melody are his stock in trade and each has a certain place at a certain time in any ones life.
So, stressful and sad news has been the order of the day this week, and regardless of how people deal with such news there is always a need to actually deal with it.
I have always thought I react to news rather distantly, or in poor proportion to the closeness of the News. It’s just my way. It all boils to the surface in the end, be it in song or poem or TV rant. I am often more effected by the loss of someone I respect but have never met than someone I am related to but don’t respect.
So needing to be uplifted without making whimsy of serious news I turned to Terry Hall and his collaborative album with Blair and Anouchka and track number 2 ‘Missing’
‘The kids are crying, the dog is dying, and I just got the flu…….. because we’re missing you’
Blissfully dark irony.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Not Being Boring
It’s raining again, and I am driving again (not that this blog will be Top Gear with Music you understand, it’s just the way the thoughts have fallen this week). Actually its country lanes as well on the tail end of the school run picking up my exhausted cherubs after a hard days work and they are not in the mood for chat. Isabelle wants to stare out of the window at the rain while Holly no doubt plots her escape.
So the request for music arrives at my ears yet again and I apologise that, once again, it’s a bit dated.
Trevor Horn once said he liked working with the Pet Shop Boys because they use all of his favourite chords, and this tune is a case in point.
The beautiful chimed subtleties of the chord progression at the beginning of Being Boring roused a chorus of approval from the rear seats. ‘I love this one’ they almost said in unison.
And this is where I am the lucky man. I am pretty sure I was not as open to the stuff my Dad would have listened to when I was that age. Kids now despite having more music to chose from than anyone in the past have, seem to have to capacity to give everything a shot. Is this because there is so much out there these days that they no longer differentiate between old and new stuff?
I am jealous that they are growing up in an age where their access to music far exceeds anything we had when we were young. Anyone can get their music out there these days and that only enriches us.
Now, when their musical tastes are forming deep within their subconscious, they hear everything with more choice and colour than ever before.
I am sure this will turn them into broad minded, balanced musical beasts in their future.
‘Things can only get better’
Monday, January 12, 2009
Moments in Love
Having made polite conversation with two outlandish lying thirteen year olds I was looking forward to a bit of piece and quiet on the 30min journey to Tesco (for drink, God did we need it that night) and then home.
I decided on a country lane short cut crossing the back lanes of Cowbridge to the A48. Front fogs illuminating my way through the dark and misty lanes I hit the red button on my stereo for the CD I was listening to earlier in the week to cough back into life.
The eerie hollow drum machine and car horn sample from the start of ‘Vermillion Sands’ by the Buggles kicked in. I was transported to another place, accelerating into the dark surrounded by and ethereal pop song from the eighties, it felt like being fired from a helium cannon with my balls being suspended in blancmange. A whole body immersion of sound and sight for 6.48 perfect minutes… it’s exactly what ‘it’ is all about.
I even had to switch the stereo off before Tesco because ‘I am a Camera’ was next and you simply can’t start that song half way through after your shopping, it needs to be fresh and pure.