A depressing two hours this afternoon. Tried to work on Wired and slowly realised that I do not spend enough time working with my software to ever achieve using it efficiently. After two hours I was further back that I started.
I really don't think at the rate I get to work on this stuff that I will really have the time to complete anything meaningful in the next couple of years. Especially with college work and a potential move to a house which needs a shit-load of work, I am thinking this evening that the sensible thing to do would be to put it all on hold for a couple of years.
Somethings gotta give, as Kirsty Allsop always says 'you have to compromise on something'.
It's something I am going to have to think very seriously about over the next couple of weeks.
And here am I sitting watching 'Must be the music' with the girls and thinking I could do so much better.
Never mind.
So what song is going to cheer me up this evening?
Well everyone of an age knows this one 'Losing my Religion' by REM. Its brilliantly pathetic in its feel and is always there when we are feeling down. Superbly put together, and achingly real.
'That's me in the corner' !!!!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
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.....Thats me in the spotliigghtt... losing myy religionnn!!!!! :D <3