Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well what a synth-tastic week I am having this week. Having decided that one of the goals I should set myself is to, at some stage, have a bank of classic synthesizers to play with at my leisure, I committed a very small amount of money to a budget to search for such things.

Now in the past, when looking for such things, I have always been in somewhat of a hurry, or after the very latest tech. But this time the brief was different. I wanted things that I yearned for in the past, however old they are now, classic synths (or the ones I thought were classic) from the early eighties to the mid nineties. Nothing much to get excited about these days, but stuff that had a specific sound. Now I had to exclude the Roland synths because I have a Juno G and a couple of excellent soft syths to fill that gap. So I had in mind a sample synth and something with a sound I love.

Now here’s the shocker, this is the first time the recession has actually played into my hands. Earlier this week I picked up a classic Casio FZ1 sampling keyboard for just £70, and just now I picked up a wonderful Kawai K4 for £86. Both cost thousands when they came out, both in full working order and excellent condition, and both fitting the bill perfectly.

I am gob smacked and cant wait until I have the room somewhere to set them all up together (one day soon, for now they go into storage).

So I am back in synth heaven for the first time in years, and it didn’t cost a fortune. Now all I need is those folks from the Gadget show to give me that nice Nord keyboard that is just gathering dust on the shelf of their set and I will be made up. (Wishful thinking that one).

So with a single synthetic note, wavering with vibrato, a deep cutting voice cuts through the manufactured drone to break into the start of Temptation by Heaven 17. Great use of synthesizers, but a definite over use of the Linn Drum. Love it of loath it, its a unique synth classic that everyone remembers.


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